* Process*

Follow these simple steps Mates, and you'll be on your way to creating an awesome travel poster!

1.  You will be working on a team of 4 travel consultants, (chosen for you by the Head Travel Consultant).  After you have met with your team you each need to chose a specific job:

                             * Chief Web Searcher - This consultant is in control of using
                                the internet to explore the resources, which will give you the
                                information you need to create your travel poster.
                                (All consultants on your team will be watching and helping.)

                           *  Recorder - This consultant's task is to take notes during the web
                                search of all the useful information that is found.

                           *  Editor - This consultant will help the  recorder by making sure
                                the information makes sense.  (Complete sentences, punctuation,
                                spelling, and help decide how and where it can be used on the

                           Artist- This consultant will be in charge of the layout and artwork
                                included on the poster.

** It is very important to remember that you are all a team and should be working together using the life skills of cooperation, flexibility, and friendship!

2.  Your Head Travel Consultant will supply you with a check list of important information to search for and include on your poster.  If at any time you are unsure of what is o.k. to include, please check with the Head Travel Consultant.

3.  After you have chosen your jobs and obtained a checklist, you are ready to click on the word Resources below to begin exploring Australia.  Follow the directions on that page to begin your search.

4.  After you have explored the resources and gathered useful interesting information about Australia, check in with the Head Travel Consultant.  Once you are given the o.k., you may begin your travel poster.  (You will have 2 - 3 days to explore the internet, and 2 - 3 days to create your poster.)  You may click on the word Evaluation below at any time to see if you are on the right track.  This page will tell you how you will be graded.

5.  You will be supplied with the materials to create your posters.  You can also use any materials that you have.  The poster should give the consumer a good feeling about Australia.  (Sites they may see, animals they may see, a diagram of the continent, or countries they may wish to visit.)

Introduction | Task | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion