
1.  Choose a partner and have it accepted by your teacher.

2.  Click on the Resources link below to begin your research.

3.  As you gather useful information and take notes of it, keep in mind your audience.  (1st, 2nd, & 3rd graders.)

4.  Once you have gathered enough information to really get the point across, create a rough outline of your presentation.  You may ask your teacher for advice and guidance.  The rough outline must be approved by your teacher before you go to Kid Pix to create the slide show.  You may also click on the Evaluation link at any time to see if you are effectively meeting all of the requirements.

5.  Once you have approval you may begin to create your slide show.

6.  After your slide show is complete, you need to choose a class to give your presentation to and set up a time with that teacher.

Introduction | Task | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion