Brownie Girl Scouts...

where girls grow strong!

Our Brownie Beginnings

We did at least one community service project each month this year and earned a Community Service patch.


  • Collected wildflower seeds at the Cressmoor Prairie


  • Collected coats for the Food Pantry to give to people who can't afford them
  • Collected personal care items for the Food Pantry to give to people who can't afford them


  • Decorated mittens, gloves and hats to hung on the George Earle Christmas Tree for kids who don't have enough money to buy them.
  • Used troop money to buy Christmas dinner for a family who couldn't afford to have a nice dinner.


  • Collected good toys, videos, and books for Riley's Children's Hospital in Indianapolis.


  • Collected pop-tops from soda pop cans to give to the Ronald Mcdonald House.


  • Collected pop-tops from soda pop cans to give to the Ronald Mcdonald House.
  • Collected box-tops from cereal boxes to give to the PTO so they could buy things for our school


  • Collected cans in the neighborhood with Boy Scout Troop #42 and went to the Food Pantry and sorted the cans out
  • Planted trees and flower plants at Veteran's Park


  • Our troop is buying a plaque to hand in the hall for our custodian who died right before school was out. It will say

This hall has been visited by an Angel

In memory of Angel Farley

Try-Its We've Earned

Community Service Projects

Our Brownie Beginnings
