Brownie Girl Scouts...

where girls grow strong!

Our Brownie Beginnings

We bridged from Daisy Girl Scouts to Brownie Girl Scouts last June. Our first year of Brownies has been busy and fun. We are going to ask Council if we can get the Super Troop Award.

We marched in the 4th of July Parade. It was hot but we had fun. People squirted us with water and that kept us cool. Then we went to Summer camp. We cooked lunch over a open fire and washed dishes in a pail of water. We had a Granny who made crafts with us. We made ceramic angels and Easter eggs. We had a blast! We can't wait for camp this year!

When school started we started having our meetings every week. There have been lots of things to do this year.


  • River Ramble at Deep River Water Park,
  • a hayride,
  • Outdoor Fun at Camp Meadowbrook and
  • cookie sale.


  • Investiture and Redication Ceremony
  • The Nutcracker


  • The Hobart Christmas Parade and party afterwards
  • At our meetings we sewed decorations on mittens, gloves and hats. Then we hung them on the George Earle Christmas Tree for kids who don't have enough money to buy them.
  • Our troop's Heritages Dinner at the Scout Cabin.


  • We used cookie money to go to Chuck E. Cheese


  • Passport to the World: Japan and learned to count to 10.


  • Daddy N Me Dance
  • Exploring the Past ~ We learned that a long time ago women had to wear dresses. If they wore pants, people made fun of them.
  • Belinda, Books, and Beyond
  • Skating Party


  • Sports Day at Camp Meadowbrook
  • Hobart Girl Scout Parade and Fair


  • We took our mothers to lunch at the Cressmoor Country Club with our money from cookie sales. It was also our Award Ceremony.

Try-Its We've Earned Community Service Projects 

The Four Program Goals

The Girl Scout Promise

The Girl Scout Law

Juliette Low, the Founder of Girl Scouts

Our Daisy Days

Our Brownie Beginnings

Make New Friends

Credits (who helped us)

Programs We Used
