Brownie Girl Scouts...

where girls grow strong!



Juliette Low

Juliette Low was born October 31, 1860 in Savannah, Georgia.

She loved animals and she would bring stray animals into her house.

She lost hearing in one ear when she got a bad infection. She lost hearing in the other ear, when a piece of rice was thrown in her ear at a wedding.

When she grew up, she founded the Girl Scouts of the USA and became the first President of Girl Scouts. Her niece, Daisy Gordon, became the first Girl Scout. The first Girl Scout meeting was on March 12, 1912. That is when Girl Scouts in America celebrate Girl Scout week.



The Four Program Goals

The Girl Scout Promise

The Girl Scout Law

Juliette Low, the Founder of Girl Scouts

Our Daisy Days

Our Brownie Beginnings

Make New Friends

Credits (who helped us)

Programs We Used
