
Section and Contents Assignments Web Links and Projects
#1 Parallel Lines and Transversals--use three dimensional figures and name angles formed by lines and transversals pp. 128-129;  22-46 all .Hamilton - Math To Build On: Crossing & Parallel Lines

 Question Corner -- Do Parallel Lines Meet At Infinity?

#2  Angles and Parallel Lines--use the theorems for parallel lines to solve algebra problems and proofs pp. 135-136;  11-43 all

                       46-52 all

.Parallel Lines
#3  Slopes of Lines--use slopes to determine if lines are parallel, perpendicular, or neither pp. 142-143;  17-46 all .
#4  Proving Lines Parallel--using theorems to prove lines parallel pp. 150-152;  15-38 all .NonEuclid: Parallel Lines -FYI
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