Welcome to Geometry at Hobart High School


The following is a brief description of the different areas of this site.

        1. Units:  Contains a broad outline of the course and tentative time schedule.  Click on each unit to get a detailed description, assignments, and helpful web sites.

        2.  Email:  My email address at school

        3.  Tools:  Contains a list of texts and other tools

        4.  Projects:  Sites your child will visit to aid and/or enhance their learning.

        5.  Math Web Links Sites you and/or your child might enjoy

 Future Plans:  Sample problems for use as a study guide.

I will be encouraging my students to visit the site periodically.  We will be accessing this site at school to do online research and do a webquest, which is basically an interactive lesson on the web.

I hope you find the information usefull.  Please feel free to email suggestions for improvement or call me at 942-8521  ext. 321.

                                                Mrs. Joan Storey
                   Main Page*** Units*** Tools***Projects***Math Web Links

Parent Page***Email***Cinderella