Section and Contents Assignments Web links and projects
#1 Coordinate plane--review of the coordinate system pp. 9- 10;   11-37 all  1.2 Cartesian Coordinates in the Plane
 History of Geometry
#2 Points, lines, and planes--description of each, labeling, intersections  pp. 16-17;  28-51 all  Points
Lines & Planes
 #3 Using formulas--applying the area and perimeter formulas pp. 23-24;  16-30 evens and 31-41 all  .
#4 Measuring segments--use the Pythagorean Theorem and the distance formula to perform calculations pp. 33-34; 
      1. 16-24 evens and
           26-40 all
       2. Construction on
            p. 31and
             problems 41-45
#5  Midpoints and Segment Congruence--use the definition of a midpoint and the midpoint formulas to perform calculations.  pp. 41-42;
       1.  16-38 evens
       2.  Construction on
             page 39 and
             problems 39-41
#6  Exploring angles--basic definitions, labeling, postulates, constructions pp.  50-51
        1.  18-38 evens
              39-49 all
         2.  Constructions 
              on pp. 47-48
#7  Angle relationships--define and use perpindicular lines, linear angle pairs, vertical angles, and adjacent angles pp.  59-60;
        1.  15-38 all
        2.  Constructions
              on pp. 56-57
 Angles & Their Measures

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