
Sections and Contents Assignments` Web Links and Projects
#1  Parallelograms--apply the properties of paralellograms Geometer's Sketchpad Lab
pp.  295;  17-37 all
#2  Tests for Parallelograms--apply and recognize the conditions that ensure that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram pp.  301;  15-32 all .
#3 and #4  qRectangles, Rhombi, and Squares--Recognize and apply the properties of the above quadrilaterals Geometer's Sketchpad Lab
pp.  310-1;  16-40 evens
pp. 317-8;  22-36 evens
                   38-47 all 
#5  Trapezoids--recognize and apply the properties of a trapezoid pp.  325-6;  16-35 all .

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