


Name Manganese
Symbol Mn
Atomic Number 25
Atomic Mass 54.93805 atomic mass units
Number of Protons 25
Number of Neutrons 30
Number of Electrons 25
Melting Point 1245.0° C
Boiling Point 1962.0° C
Density 7.43 grams per cubic centimeter
Normal Phase Solid
Family Transition Metals
Period 4
Cost $1.70 per 100 grams



Origin of Name From Latin word mangnes (magnet)
Date and Place of Discovery In 1774 in Sweden
Discovered by Johann Gahn
Common Compounds
Interesting facts
  • It is an essential trace nutrient in all forms of life.
  • Paints that were pigmented with manganese dioxide can be traced back 17,000 years.
  • Manganese ore was first confused with magnetic iron ore.
  • One source of manganese is in nodules on the ocean floor.
  • Miners and steel workers exposed to high levels of manganese dust in the air may develop manganism, which can cause mental and emotional disturbances or disturb their movement like in Parkinson's disease.
Common Uses
  • Steel alloys
  • Batteries
  • Ceramics


Photo Courtesy of About
Chemical Elements
Jefferson Lab
Nobel Server

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