Color, Line, Shape, Form, Texture, and  Space

COLOR - HUE - designates the common name of a color and indicates its position in the spectrum or in the color circle. Hue is determined by the specific wave length of the color in the ray of light.
Color can be PRIMARY -  that is red, blue or yellow. secondary colors are combinations of two primary colors, making orange, green or violet. complementary colors are two colors that are directly opposite on the color wheel, such as red and green, blue and orange, yellow and violet.
VALUE - the lightness of darkness of a color, depending on the addition of white or clack. Value can also be changed by adding any color that is either lighter of darker that the original.
INTENSITY - is the concentration of a color, as if it is straight from the tube.
SHADE - a color with black added.
TINT - white with a color added.

LINE - Lines have different lengths and widths and can go in curved, straight or angular directions. they can be HORIZONTAL, calm and steady, parallel to the ground. Or they can be DIAGONAL - speedy and dynamic, like an airplane on takeoff. They may also be VERTICAL - standing straight up like a flagpole. CONTOUR lines outline shapes. ZIGZAG - can create a feeling of confusion or suggest action. CURVED - lines express movement in a graceful and flowing way.

SHAPE - shapes can be GEOMETRIC, such as triangles, circles, squares and rectangles, or ORGANIC, such as those that are free flowing and unpredictable like a cloud or a puddle.

FORM - the presentation of various shapes, either recognizable or abstract; the visible result of an artist's conception of the subject, but not the subject matter itself. Refers to an object with three dimensions.

TEXTURE - the tactile qualities of the surface of an object. an artist may SIMULATE texture by using brush strokes, for example to describe a kitten's fur, or the actual texture of the way they look as though they may feel if touched, polished smooth surface of marble.

SPACE - refers to the distance between, around, above, below, and within things. The shape or form of an object is the POSITIVE AREA
and the NEGATIVE SPACE is the air around the object.




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