BALANCE - concerned with arranging elements so no one part of a work overpowers, of seems heavier than, any other part. Parts of a picture may be SYMMETRICAL where half of the design is a mirror image of the other half, or ASYMMETRICAL, where neither half of the design is identical but seem to carry equal weight, and RADIAL - when elements of objects in an art work are positioned around a central point.
VARIETY - the difference found in a work of art when you combine one or more elements to create interest by adding slight changes.
HARMONY - blending elements to create a more calm, restful appearance.
EMPHASIS - a focal point in a work which the artist has used
to attract the viewer's attention
PROPORTION - the size relationship of the parts to the whole
and to one another.
MOVEMENT - a rhythmic flow in a painting or sculpture that leads
the eye across a single plane
or between planes in space.
RHYTHM - repeating of elements to make a work seem active or
to suggest vibration.
UNITY IN ART - when all the elements within the media create a feeling of completeness, wholeness. When it all comes together.
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