How to Write a Persuasive Paragraph

1.  State your opinion first.
2.  Then give 3 reasons to support it.
3.  State the most important reason last.
4.  At the end of your paragraph, either ask your friends to take a specific action or state your opinion again.

Look at the example below for ideas.

Cats are a Sure-Bet Pet


    I think a cat makes a better pet than a dog.  My first reason is that they cost less.  Dogs can cost up to $1,000.00, but cats only cost about $100.00 at the most.  Cats also eat less, so you wouldn't have to buy food as often.  My second reason is that they don't take up a lot of room.  Cats only need a house to live in.  To cats, a house is probably big because they are small, but dogs take up a lot of room.  They need a yard.  Finally, my third reason is that they are easier to take care of.  Cats use a litter box, but dogs don't. You have to walk dogs almost every day and clean up after them.  And, worst of all, you have to give dogs baths more often than cats because dogs are outside more often than cats if your cat is an inside cat.  I think you should buy a cat for a family pet instead of a dog.

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion