Earth Alert!


Your task is to become an environmental activist.  An environmental activist is active in the cause for saving our natural environment.  He of she may publish literature to get their message across in the form of a newsletter or poster, present information to a group, or even produce a television commercial to convince others to be earth friendly.

As an environmental activist you will first research your specific cause using the internet links and books listed on the resources page. You will need to organize your research into notes, an outline, or a word map (also known as a web) to be turned in along with your individual project. Then you will use that information to create one of the following with your partner(s):

Group Project

   1.  A persuasive flyer, or poster, using Microsoft Publisher, Writing Center, or ClarisWorks

    2.  A 3-minute persuasive commercial using either HyperStudio or PowerPoint

Then, your group will:

    3.  Present your information to the class using your poster, or commercial as a visual aid in a 3-5 minute presentation.

Finally, you will complete the last task on your own.

Individual Project

Write a one-paragraph persuasive newsletter article for a class environmental newsletter, with title and at least one graphic using Microsoft Word, Writing Center, or ClarisWorks

Click Here for How-To directions for a news article.

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion