William Shakespeare
a classroom setting
Before you are ready to use any methods of teaching you must first set up a proper environment to teach in. The first and most important factor in a classroom is having an integrated setting, a setting that will most closely resemble the environment that the students will work and live in during their adult lives. This teaches them to accept each other despite differences in race, creed, intelligence, or physical differences. After the classroom is set up, the teacher must form a personal bond with the students so they feel comfortable with the teacher. Throw out worksheets and busy work, have interactive activities that will help create that bond, not only between student and teacher, but student and student as well. A widely overlooked aspect of a good classroom is a good seating arrangement. Though it may be easier on attendance to seat everyone in alphabetical order, it would vastly improve the class to take the time to think about the seating. Common sense tells you to keep students with short attention spans away from the windows, back row, doors, etc. However, also consider placing class leaders throughout the room and allowing them to assist other students. Do Not separate students who are less intelligent, in doing that you have destroyed the point of having an integrated classroom.
Sigmund Freud
Things you may not know:
Recent developments have been made by the California Research Institute that show how students in a completely integrated classroom, meaning that students with learning disabilities were included, have improved their test scores and grades. Dr. Lou Brown from the University of Wisconsin furthered the study and found that SAT scores were improved as well.
Another interesting aspect involves tools in the classroom. You may have thought in the modern times we live in that there are hundreds of high tech instruments that help students learn more in the classroom. However, it has been proven that out of all the tools used in schools today, including computers and other such devices, that the overhead projector is the most commonly used to help students learn. This is not referring to the access of knowledge from these tools but how receptive students are to them.
|Introduction| Task and Process | Creating a Classroom Setting| Methods | The Class |Resources| Evaluation| |Conclusion|