Wilbur and Orville Wright


     The following is a list of tested methods for teaching that will unlock the potential of your students.

The 1/3 Method- This is a simple technique that divides your class time into three equal parts and is proven to be one of the most effective.

Individual Assistance- This is a time when the teacher goes and assists students one-on-one.

Small Group- This is exactly what it sounds like, students are randomly separated into small  groups where they assist each other with work.

 Whole Group- This is the time when the teacher addresses the entire class by giving notes, assignments, or teaching a new concept.

Learning by teaching- This technique is a great way to interact with students.  There are various ways you can implement this technique.  Have a student pick a subject you are studying and teach the class about it.  You can be more individualized and have them teach a small group or a single student.

Assigned Partners-This is a more commonly used technique that allows students to pair up and do work together for a few minutes that would have taken much longer if it were done alone, thus giving time for other activities or even free time.

Healthy Competition- This is better used as a group activity.  Set up a " jeopardy type" game for your students that covers a subject you are studying.  Give prizes at the end of the game to the winners.  This gives students incentive to study and gives them pride for their accomplishments.

Compliments: Dos/Don'ts- When complimenting a student, tell him that he worked very hard and compliment him on how well he worked, NOT how smart he is.  Keep in mind that  students can work diligently and acquire knowledge, but they can't gain intelligence.  According to sources by rewarding for intelligence, one can cause a superiority complex in some students and divide the classroom.  Plus, studies show that students rewarded for hard work continue to work, while students rewarded for intelligence "slack off."

Modified Curriculum- This is the most important tool in the classroom.  Have multiple assignments for multiple intelligences.  You can have 2 modified versions of the same assignment so that all students can work at their own level and still not be separated.  Look at the class as a group of individuals, not as a single collective group.

     Finally, a word of advice before you begin, make your students responsible for their work.  If they realize that the teacher is not going to check to make sure that their project or  assignment  is completed, they will become more responsible and productive.

|Introduction| Task and Process | Creating a Classroom Setting| Methods The Class |Resources| Evaluation| |Conclusion|