
Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion

Congratulations on becoming a junior herpetologist.  What is a HERPETOLOGIST?  It is a scientist who studies amphibians and reptiles.   Where do frogs fit in you ask?  Good question!  See if you can find the answer by clicking here, FROGS , then click the back button to return to this page.

Now that you know what a frog is, you can get started learning more about them.  During this webquest, you will be gathering information about frogs.
You will be working with a partner to learn about their life cycle, way of life, where they live, any enemies they might have, and how they protect themselves.   You will also learn about differences among frogs.
One member will be required to gather information about enemies frogs may have and what frogs eat, while the other member will gather information about the habitat and living conditions of frogs.  Both team members will work together to learn about the life cycle.  Then each team will choose two frogs to study and compare and contrast using a Venn Diagram.
By the end of this webquest, you will be able to identify the stages of the frogs life cycle, understand the habits of some frogs, and recognize differences in frogs.
There will be a short quiz when you are done, so remember to read everything, take good notes, and work cooperatively with your partner.
Click here to get started. process