Your team needs to develop a genetically engineered product and summarize all of your findings in a final presentation to Dr. Hopkins and the entire scientific community (Your class members).  Your final presentation must address the following questions, but is not limited to adding more information to support your design.

What plant or animal are you going to genetically alter?
What are you going to try to change about this food source?
How will this affect your plant or animal?
What gene will you have to alter to accomplish your goal?
How will this change the habitat of the organism?
Will this change have an impact on the environment?
What type of legal problems will be encountered?
How will society in general view this change?
How will this alteration affect the economics of production,
    manufacture, or distribution of the food product?
What problems, if any, could the development of this altered
    food source present?
What are the ethical ramifications surrounding this alteration?
How will this new product become financially profitable?

     Your Research Team needs to develop sketches, charts, posters, graphs, Power Point Presentation, or other forms of media to help explain your answers to the above questions.  These visual aids will be presented along with your presentation to Dr. Hopkins and the Scientific Community.

      Now that you know what your task is, it is time to move on to what you need to do to accomplish this task.  You will now be moving on to the Process.  ClickProcess below to move to on!