You and three other people are part of a genetic engineering team that has been working for GENO-TECH LABORATORIES

for the last 5 years since it's development.  The company has been very successful in the development of enhanced food products for most of those years.  The past year has been very
unprofitable for the company, and it's continuation, along with the members of your research and development team, is in question.  Your development team has been given this opportunity to save the company and insure the security of your positions of employment.
     The following memo was delivered today to you and each member of the research and development team.


To:        Research and Development Team
From:    Dr. John Hopkins, President
Re:        Development of new products

     As you are already aware, our company has been steadily losing money over the past year.  We have been unable to come up with a profitable food product since we developed the increased milk production in English White Cows, and the increased shelf life of the Spartan Apple.
     Your group will be responsible to invent a new, money-making genetically engineered product, or in six months you will be looking for new jobs.  The continued success of the company rests in your hands. Don't let me down!
Research and Development Team

     You, and the three other members of your assigned team, are to decide which roles each member is to assume in the Research and Development Team.  The team's first responsibility is to choose a person who will lead the group and coordinate the development along with communications with the Company President weekly on the progress of the group.

Roles of Team

     Geneticist: You will research what type of products are feasibly possible, products that have not been developed previously, and how easily the products can be produced in the time given for this project.
     Environmentalist / Lawyer:  You will be responsible to insure that the new product will have a minimal negative impact on the environment.  In addition, you will make sure no laws are broken, and make sure that the product will not be challenged later for environmental or medical lawsuits.
     Biologist: You are going to make sure that each member of your group is aware of the changes that are made to the habitat and structure of the organism.  You must also make sure that with the development of a genetically altered food source, that the gene pool for future food types is not lost, and make others aware of  the possible aspects of developing a "Frankenstein Organism" that we may not be able to rid ourselves from later.
     Economist / Ethicist:  You will be responsible to make sure that the invention will be profitable to the company, and through the research and development, the company will not go bankrupt.  As an Ethicist, you will also question the value of genetically altered food as related to biological and medical issues, and the ethics regarding this alteration.

    On the first day of research, your team is required to notify Dr. John Hopkins, Company President, of the selection of your Team Leader, and the roles each member will assume. Your team leader must also provide a weekly update on the progress, or lack of, that your group is doing. You must use the MEMO format above, and e-mail this memo to DR. HOPKINS, PRESIDENT.