will be evaluated on the quality of your research, creativity, and the
final presentation to
Dr. Hopkins and the Scientific Community. You need to address as
many of the proposed questions found in theTASK
page of this project. Those answers need to be in as much detail
as possible. In addition, you will also be evaluated on the practicality
of your invention.
are some points to keep in mind as you prepare your presentation:
Did you identify what plant or animal you altered?
Did you identify what diffe
to the organism your alteration would make?
Did you identify what gene you would alter?
Did you create a scientific name for your organism?
Did you describe with words and diagram how the structure
and function of your plant/animal would change?
How did the alteration affect production, manufacture, or
distribution of the product.
How did the modification affect the habitat and environment?
Did you describe how this genetic alteration would be profitable?
Did you include discussion on the ethical ramifications surrounding
your new product?
What legal proble
or possible violations of the law did you have to address?
Did you use sketches, graphs, charts, Power Point Presentation
throughout your presentation to make your points more clearly?
Did you explain how your new invention would be practical,
a money-making venture, and possibly save the Company?
To check out how well you may have done on
this project it would be helpful for you to look over the grading
rubric for this project. It will
be helpful in setting goals and planning out your presentation.