Be kind. Don't join in when others are
teasing or bullying someone. You might not like that person, but it is never
okay to hurt someone else's feelings.
Become an
interesting person. Having different interests helps you meet different types
of people and makes you more confident.
Be outgoing. Say
"hi" to everyone you pass in the hall even those you don't think you have
anything in common with. They might just be your new best friend. Say
"hi" even to those who seem conceited. They may not be conceited; they could
just be very shy.
Don't be part of a clique. Being part of a group that
doesn't let others in easily cheats yourself out of getting to know other
interesting people. Sometime those cliques are based upon what clothes you
wear. That's just small minded.
Learn to enjoy
your own company. Being with friends is always more fun because they add to
your day. But learning to have quiet time so you can think about your
life and your morals is very important in knowing who you are.
Dare to stand up for what you believe. It shows that you are morally strong.
People will respect you for sticking to your values and not bending with the
wind just to be popular.
Don't let others copy off your homework or test. Make them
do their own work. If you let them
copy, you are cheating with them.
Know it’s okay to seek an adult’s advice.
Sometimes it is hard to talk about things with your parents. Try to find
another adult who shares the same values as your parents. They might be
easier to talk to because they aren't so close to you.
Make good choices when it comes to steering clear of
alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Even if they call you a baby or a chicken just
walk away.
Choose friends wisely. Look for good
qualities in your friends such as being trustworthy and kind. Friends who
do not have your best interests at heart are usually not ones you can count on
when you really need a friend.
Most importantly, have goals. When you have goals you are
less likely to risk the long term for some short term fun.
It's not always easy to walk away from peer pressure. But
if you don't, just
think to yourself, "Would I be doing the right thing?" Making good
choices is important to have success in school and in life. Making the wrong
choice as a kid could haunt you for the rest of your life. "March to your own
tune" and don't worry about what your friends will say. If they are really
your friends, they will respect you for your convictions.
Middle school and high school are temporary times. Some
of the most popular kids in school are not successful adults.