The 43 Presidents
of the
United States of America

Benjamin Harrison

23rd President
1889 - 1893

Born August 20, 1833
Birthplace North Bend, Ohio
College Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Religion Presbyterian
Ancestry English
Occupation Lawyer
Political Party Republican
Represented Indiana
Term March 4, 1889 to March 3, 1893
Died March 13, 1901
Place of Death Indianapolis, Indiana
Buried Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana

Benjamin Harrison was the twenty-third president of the United States. 

Important events during President Harrison's administration were:

  • Land belonging to Native Americans in Oklahoma was opened for settlement on April 22, 1889.

  • A dam collapsed near Johnstown, Pennsylvania on May 31, 1889.  The city was flooded and 2,000 people were killed.

  • North Dakota was admitted as the 39th state on November 2, 1889.

  • South Dakota was admitted as the 40th state on November 2, 1889.

  • Montana was admitted as the 41st state on November 8, 1889.

  • Washington was admitted as the 42nd state on November 11, 1889.

  • The United States population is 63 million with thousands of immigrants arriving daily.

  • The Sherman Anti-trust Act was enacted on July 2, 1890.

  • Idaho was admitted as the 43rd state on July 3, 1890.

  • Wyoming was admitted as the 44th state on July 10, 1890.

  • United States troops killed more than 100 Sioux Indians on December 29, 1890 at Wounded Knee, South Dakota.

Benjamin Harrison was:

  • the fourth President born in Ohio.

  • the tenth President who lived in a state where he wasn't born.

  • the third President to remarry.

  • the fifth President to marry a widow.

  • the second President whose wife died while he was President.


George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison
James Monroe John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren
William H. Harrison John Tyler James Knox Polk Zachary Taylor
Millard Fillmore Franklin Pierce James Buchanan Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson Ulysses S. Grant Rutherford B. Hayes James Garfield
Chester Alan Arthur Grover Cleveland Benjamin Harrison William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt William Taft Woodrow Wilson Warren Harding
Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt Harry S. Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson Richard M. Nixon
Gerald R. Ford James Earl Carter Ronald Reagan George H. Bush

William J. Clinton

George Walker Bush