The 43 Presidents
of the
United States of America

James Monroe

5th President
1817 - 1825


Born April 28, 1758
Birthplace Westmoreland County, Virginia
College College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia
Religion Episcopalian
Ancestry Scottish
Occupation Lawyer
Political Party Democratic-Republican
Represented Virginia
Term March 4, 1817 to March 3, 1825
Died July 4, 1831
Place of Death New York, New York
Buried Marble Cemetery, New York, New York

James Monroe was the fifth president of the United States.

Important events during President Monroe's administration were:

  • Construction on the Erie Canal began on July 4, 1817.

  • Mississippi was admitted as the 20th state on December 10, 1817.

  • The White House was rebuilt and made bigger in 1818, costing $50,000.

  • Congress adopts the flag of the United States with 13 red and white stripes and twenty stars (one star for each state in the Union at the time) on April 4, 1818.  A new would be added when a new state is added to the Union.

  • Illinois was admitted as the 21st state on December 3, 1818.

  • A treaty was signed in Spain which gave Florida to the United States.

  • Alabama was admitted as the 22nd state on December 14, 1819.

  • The population in 1820 reached 9.6 million.

  • Congress voted on March 3, 1820 to pass the Missouri Compromise, which admitted Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state.

  • Maine was admitted as the 23rd state on March 15, 1820.

  • The first high school was opened in May 1820 in Boston, Massachusetts.

  • Missouri was admitted as the 24th state on August 10, 1821.

  • William Becknell blazed the Santa Fe Trail in the spring of 1822, which created a trade route to the southwest.

  • President Monroe sends his Monroe Doctrine to Congress for vote on December 2, 1823.

James Monroe was

  • the fourth President born in Virginia.

  • the first President to be inaugurated on March 5th.

  • the first President who had been a senator.

  • the first President inaugurated outdoors.

  • the first President to have a daughter to be married in the White House.


George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison
James Monroe John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren
William H. Harrison John Tyler James Knox Polk Zachary Taylor
Millard Fillmore Franklin Pierce James Buchanan Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson Ulysses S. Grant Rutherford B. Hayes James Garfield
Chester Alan Arthur Grover Cleveland Benjamin Harrison William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt William Taft Woodrow Wilson Warren Harding
Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt Harry S. Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson Richard M. Nixon
Gerald R. Ford James Earl Carter Ronald Reagan George H. Bush

William J. Clinton

George Walker Bush