The 43 Presidents
of the
United States of America

Franklin Pierce

14th President
1853 - 1857

Born November 23, 1804
Birthplace Hillsborough, New Hampshire
College Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine
Religion Episcopalian
Ancestry English
Occupation Lawyer
Political Party Democratic
Represented New Hampshire
Term March 4,1853 - March 3, 1857
Died October 8, 1869
Place of Death Concord, New Hampshire
Buried Old North Cemetery, Concord, New Hampshire

Franklin Pierce was the fourteenth president of the United States.  He was the first President to use the words, "I do solemnly affirm" when taking the oath at his inauguration.  The other presidents say, "I do solemnly swear," but he objected to the word "swear" because of Matthew 5:34-37.  Article Two of Section One of the Constitution allows a President to say, "I do solemnly affirm" instead of "swear."

Important events during President Pierce's administration were:

  • Envelopes with stamps were first used in June 1853.

  • The patent on railroad sleeping cars was issued to H. B. Myer on September 19, 1853.

  • The Gadsden Purchase was made on December 30, 1853.  It was an agreement between Mexico and the United States regarding the borders between Mexico and Arizona and New Mexico.  The United States bought 29,000 square miles from Mexico for $10 million. 

  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act was enacted by Congress on May 22, 1854 and gave the decision on slavery back to the states.

  • The first postal directory was published in 1855.

Franklin Pierce was

  • the first President born in New Hampshire.

  • the first President born in the nineteenth century.

  • the only elected President that wanted to run for President again, but didn't get nominated.


George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison
James Monroe John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren
William H. Harrison John Tyler James Knox Polk Zachary Taylor
Millard Fillmore Franklin Pierce James Buchanan Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson Ulysses S. Grant Rutherford B. Hayes James Garfield
Chester Alan Arthur Grover Cleveland Benjamin Harrison William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt William Taft Woodrow Wilson Warren Harding
Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt Harry S. Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson Richard M. Nixon
Gerald R. Ford James Earl Carter Ronald Reagan George H. Bush

William J. Clinton

George Walker Bush