Grizzly Bear
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I`m going to tell you about where Grizzly Bears are located.  They are located in Alaska, Canada, Asia, and Europe.  They are also located in Aleutian Chain, Islands of Bering Sea, Washington, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho.  The environment has a lot of salmon, trout, crabs, and deer (Kallen 8).

I`m about to tell you about the Grizzly Bear`s characteristics.  The Grizzly Bear can grow up to 8 feet tall.  It eats both plants and meat.  It  can weigh up to 160-800 lbs.  Brown Bears and Grizzly Bears are classified to be the same species.  It has a brown coat.  They have 20 claws.  They have 28 teeth (Kallen 20).

I`m going to tell you how a Grizzly Bear hunts and defends itself.  It uses its claws to kill prey and climb trees.  They also use them to open beehives and catch fish.  They hunt fish, deer, elk, and stuff like that.  People do hunt Grizzlies.  People are a Grizzlies worst enemy  (Kallen 14).

I`m about to tell you about a Grizzlies homelife.  In winter they live in caves or dens.  Grizzly Bears usually mate in June or July. Their hybernation begins in winter.  They have to eat a lot before they hibernate.  Females can start to mate when they are 5 years old  (Kallen 16).

I`m going to tell you other things about the Grizzly Bears.  Like humans they have a wide variety of food.  They eat berries, grasses, sedges and meat.  They are very intelligent.  They learn very quickly.  They are curious and have good memories  (Kallen 16).  The male is about 40% larger than the female  (Kallen 20)