Weeper Monkey
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      Weeper Capuchins live in tropical forest from Honduras to Southern Brazil. They spend most of their time in trees but may come to the ground during the day. The monkeys use their tails to hang from branches while gathering food or playing (Http.www.School.discovery.com/homeworkhelp /world book /atozscince/c/094000.com htm by Camille Dorian) They also live in dry and submontane forest areas up to 2000 -6562 feet. (www.monkeyzone.com him) Forest area is a great habitat for weeper Capuchins.

   Weeper Capuchins have a tawny brown body, yellowish shoulders and upper arms; they also have brownish yellow heads with a V-shaped head /brown cap. There “prehensile” tail is brown. Also there body length is 374-460mm or 15.7-21.18.1in. Tail length is 400-554mm or 15.7-21.8in. Also the average female weight is 2,974g or 5.3lb. Average male weight is 2,974g or 6.616. (www.monkeyzone.com/capuchins.htm) That’s what I fond out about weeper’s description and characteristics.

     They eat a lot so do not over feed a tame monkey. Monkeys waste a lot of food if it is given . This is what they eat Mon-wed- Fri. half an apple 2 slices of a banana1/2’d, 2grapes, 1 tbs diced orange, ½ sweet potato, Lettuce 8 peanuts, seeds, and peas. (www.monkeyzone .com). They have a neat diet.Weeper Capuchin forage on the ground and canopy.  During the raining season, small groups spend a most of their time traveling and gathering food with litter rest. That’s what there home is like. Most of the time.

     Now I will tell you about monkeys and mirrors. They think looking at their own face is neat! Mirrors can be offered to monkeys all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they think it’s another Monkey. Weepers are weird.