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Orangutans can be found in a small variety of locations.  They live in Indonesia, Asia, and on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.  They live in the rainforests where the trees and water are plentiful.  Their favorite place to be is in a tall fruit tree.  They like lots of leaves in trees too.  These are the only places they live in besides zoos (Woods 12).

           Orangutans look like humans. They have gray skin and red hair. Their arms are long and legs are short. They can swing faster then they can run. They have strong ,agile arms. They have long stubby fingers. Their legs are very strong too. Also, they swing with their legs.  The male adults have loud voices. (Woods 6).

     Orangutans have large appetites. They spend most of the day searching for food.  They eat fruits, vegetables, leaves, flowers, nuts, eggs, and insects.  These animals are smart and clever.  They will put a stick in a termite nest and wait for them to climb up and eat them. Orangutans don’t have many enemies.  Their main enemy is humans. They are hunted for sport and food. The male has loud voice to scare away enemies. (Woods 14)

     Orangutans move all over the land. They nests out leaves and sleep in them. If it is raining they make a roof.  The mother keeps the baby until he/she is about 5or6.  She grooms the baby to keep the ticks and other bugs off of them.  These animals live in social groups (Woods 19).

     Orangutans are very unique.  So are all animals.  But now I will tell you something I have not told you about orangutans.  They can use sign language. Also, they can use shapes to make sentences. It’s like a different language. They can finger paint pictures of real things. Of course the sign language  ones were trained to do it, but all of the orangutans are smart (Woods 7).