Mountian Lion
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    Mountain Lions come from Southern Canada and some Mountain Lions come from forests.  Mountain Lions like hot and cold weather. It depends on where they were born . If they were born in hot weather that means they were born in deserts.  If they were born in cold places that mean’s they were born in icey places.  Mountain Lions come from North America close to some state’s(

    I'm now going to tell you about the size of the Mountain Lions.  It depends on whether the lion is a male or female.  The male is heavier if it’s a female it is light.  A male Mountain Lions weigh up to 130 to 150 pounds.  A female Mountain Lion weighs up to 65 to 90 pounds.   The Mountain Lions colors are tanned and light brown, if it is a male Mountain Lion.  If it is a female Mountain Lion it is just tanned (

    A Mountain Lion can bite its prey's neck in a certain spot and kill it.  If the Mountain Lion has extra food they hide it or throw it in a ditch or give it to their family.  Some people find Mountain Lions in the western part of a state.  If a Mountain Lion can't find any food they'll starve to death and let other animals eat them for their food (

    Mountain Lions can have certain amount of babies or they will have to let them grow up and let them go out on their own and keep 2-3 babies and let them have babies for themselves.  If they want to they can let some 4 year old kids go find a mate for them to live together.  A male or female have to go to a safe place to have their babies so they could hunt for them (

    Mountain Lions have other names like Puma, Cougar, Panther, Painter, Catamount are the other name’s for Mountain Lions. There are other names still to be found (