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    This is where you can find a giraffe’s location.  Giraffe’s are found in desert area’s, Savanna zones south of the Sahara, and wherever the trees occur.  They just take care of themselves.  Mature bulls or cows guard a new calf.  A bull is a boy.  They’re gone from most of Western Africa and the southern Kalahari range, but can still be found outside wildlife preserves.  You can still find them at most approachable traveled roads in the popular national parks.             

This is the paragraph I’m going to tell you about homelife.  There are no leader giraffes.  A cow is what you call a girl giraffe.

How they communicate.  The idea that giraffes are mute is not true.  Though normally silent, calves bleat and make a mewing call.  Cows seeking lost calves bellow and courting bulls may emit a raucous cough.

This is where I would like to tell you about description, characteristics, adaptions.  The record height for a giraffe is 6m. (20ft.)tall.  This is a little taller then a double decker bus.  They live to be 15 to 20 years old.

In this paragraph I’m going to tell you about hunting and defense.  Adult giraffes stand over their babies to protect them from lions.  lions run the risk of being kicked to death if they get in striking distance.  Females never use their horns to fight. They only use them to be friendly.